Rohit Khanna is the COO of NetraMark.
He holds a B.A. in Psychology from McGill University, a M.B.A. from Queen’s School of Business, a MSc. in Health Economics, Policy & Management from the London School of Economics & Political Science and a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology from Harvard School of Public Health.
An accomplished strategic thinker, speaker and author, Rohit’s first book entitled In Sickness and In Health is currently slated to be published in 2020 by Johns Hopkins University Press.
He has been an early adviser to numerous healthcare start-ups that have gone on to achieve wide success, including Bloodbuy, Surface Medical, Symanta, and to name a few . For more than a decade he was a project advisor to the Queen’s School of Business and Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University where he oversaw life-science related projects from Executive MBA students. He has served as a mentor for the Health Acceleration Challenge which is a collaborative effort between Harvard Business School (HBS) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) designed to unite leading executives, policymakers, and academics in a cross-disciplinary exploration of innovative actions to improve quality, reduce costs, and, ultimately, increase value in the health care industry. Rohit has been a guest lecturer at Tufts University School of Medicine’s Business Enrichment Program which is aimed at providing MD/MBA students with incremental learning opportunities outside of the core curriculum. Rohit also sat on the Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC) advocacy and policy committee. His dissertation focused on online health-seeking behaviour using search engines and this continues to be a strong area of interest as the growing trend of online health information has the potential to transform the way patients and clinicians manage complex diseases. His work in that field has been presented at ISPOR and he continues to actively pursue research efforts.
Rohit is a regular columnist for Pharmaceutical Market Europe—one of the most widely-read monthly print publications and websites for those in the European healthcare industry, providing insight, commentary and analysis on issues and hot topics that affect the way life-science companies address the ongoing challenges of today’s complex markets. Rohit also occasionally contributes a public health column to The Walrus, a general interest magazine and website about Canada and its place in the world. Rohit has also written content and provided thought leadership to Pharma, Medtech Boston and eyeforpharma which are all hubs for senior-level pharma executives, patient advocacy groups and other health experts to exchange ideas and stay up to date with shifting trends and practices within the pharmaceutical industry.
He has spoken at TEDx events on the subject of re-defining healthcare and has also served as a mentor for the prestigious MedStart Conference at Tufts School of Medicine where young innovators and entrepreneurs are invited to present new start- up ideas in the field of healthcare. Rohit has worked with MIT and the White House on the “Blue Button” initiative which is an international movement to engage patients in their health through access to their health data. In 2014, he co-led a roundtable discussion at the prestigious HBS Healthcare Alumni Annual Conference on “Accelerating Drug Discovery Through Knowledge Graphs”.